
Chapter-at-Large Region 17 and Greater Harmony Chorus
This group is for hire
Lake Ridge Legacy, Scioto Valley, CAL
This group is for hire
Contact Phone:
Buffalo Gateway Chorus
This group is for hire
Harborlights, Scottsdale, CAL#17, CAL#15
This group is for hire
Flagship City Chorus
Grand Rapids
This group is for hire
Indi-Anna and Sounds of Pittsburgh Chapters
Greater Cleveland, Chapter-at-Large
This group is for hire
Pride of Toledo, River Raisin
This group is for hire
Flagship City, Greater Harmony, CAL
City of Flags,Greater Cleveland,Scioto Valley & CAL Reg 17
Contact Phone:
Battle Creek
This group is for hire
Lake Ridge Legacy, CAL
Battle Creek Chorus
This group is for hire
Voices in Harmony
This group is for hire
Grand Rapids Chorus
Buffalo Gateway
This group is for hire
Contact Phone:
Greater Cleveland Chorus
This group is for hire
Greater Cleveland Chorus
This group is for hire
Buffalo Gateway
This group is for hire
Greater Harmony, CAL
This group is for hire
Buffalo Gateway
This group is for hire
Buffalo Gateway, CAL
This group is for hire
Lake Ridge Legacy
Buffalo Gateway
This group is for hire
Greater Cleveland Chorus
This group is for hire
Battle Creek & Motor City Blend Choruses
This group is for hire
Buffalo Gateway
This group is for hire
Indi-Anna, Laurel Harmony, and Greater Harmony Chorus
Grand Rapids, CAL
This group is for hire
Voices in Harmony
Grand Rapids
This group is for hire


Mar 25 2024 - 11:35pm

SPRING FLING – A pre-contest experience!
Your chorus... more

Mar 18 2024 - 6:37pm

For more information, visit GREATERHARMONY.ORG or email ... more

Jan 26 2024 - 12:56pm

DIRECTOR SEARCH: Accepting Applications 

The official search is open... more

Members only

Region 17 is Social!

Our Region

SAI Region 17, contains parts of Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We currently have over 700 members in 22 choruses and over 30 quartets.
International Data Privacy Policy (updated 2018)