Lynne Peirce

Education Coordinator
2024 to 2026

Lynne is a 36-year member of Sweet Adelines and is currently the director of Battle Creek Chorus. She has served as regional faculty in both Region 17 and Region 2 for many years, involved with YWIH chorus, quartet education, and strategic planning facilitator and is an active quartet singer.

Job Description:

  • Develops, coordinates, and monitors regional educational programs in conjunction with other coordinators.
  • Plans curriculum for educational events such as seminars and workshops.
  • Works in coordination with Events and Marketing Coordinators on marketing events.
  • Coordinates regional faculty visits to choruses.
  • Maintains five-year education plan document.
  • Implements the chapter revitalization plan for maintaining the integrity of the musical product and administrative process as outlined in the RMT Handbook.
  • Approves chapters and prospective chapters for public performance.
  • Auditions chapter-at-large quartets for public performance.
  • Develops faculty or staff to assist in implementing regional educational programs.
  • Appoints an Arrangers Coordinator who administers the program that offers training for aspiring arrangers within the region.
  • Appoints a YWIH Coordinator to educate and inform the musical leaders in each chorus about the YWIH program.
  • Appoints a DCP Coordinator who administers the program within the region. 
  • Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at international headquarters.
  • Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to her successor.
  • Trains her successor.
  • Appoints staff to assist with the implementation of responsibilities as needed.

Jean Flinn, Arrangers & ACP Coordinator
Sally Doverspike, DCP Coordinator
Betsy Fowler, PVI Coordinator
Amy Ringley, Quartet Coordinator
Pam Calveric, Quartet Coaching Coordinator for Harmony Weekends
Emily Oppenhuizen, YWIH Coordinator


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Region 17 is Social!

Our Region

SAI Region 17, contains parts of Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We currently have over 700 members in 22 choruses and over 30 quartets.
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