Sherry has been a member of Sweet Adelines since 1982 and is the director of River Bend Chorus and a member of Melodeers Chorus in Region 3. She has served as the General Education and Faculty Specialist during the Pilot Program in Region 17 as well as serving this past year as Education Coordinator. Previously she held the positions of Communications Coordinator, Education Coordinator, Directors Coordinator, and Chapter Coordinator in Region 3., although not all at the same time!
Job Description
- Receives communications from the international organization and disperses to the region.
- Maintains internal communication channels among the region, chapters, and individual members.
- Develops and maintains the regional leadership database.
- Is responsible for regional website and database design, implementation, and maintenance, with input from the Marketing Coordinator.
- Maintains a complete record of regional meetings and activities.
- Is responsible for recording and preparing minutes of all meetings of the Regional Management Team.
- Distributes copies to members of the team, regional chapters, and the Corporate Secretary at international headquarters.
- In consultation with the RMT, prepares and submits year-end State of the Region Report to the Corporate Secretary at international headquarters by established deadline.
- Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at international headquarters.
- Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor.
- Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of responsibilities.
- Trains her successor.
Liz Stewart, RMT Secretary (associate RMT position)