New Directors for Battle Creek and River Raisin Choruses!

Sherry Berkley's picture
December 13, 2023 - 7:58am -- Sherry Berkley

Battle Creek Chorus welcomed their new director, Mary Su, on December 4th. She has been a Sweet Adeline for over twenty years and currently sings with Motor City Blend Chorus in Region 2, the 8th place International Finalists in 2022. She also sings tenor in Sparx Quartet, a registered quartet in BHS and SAI. Mary became a certified director in 2013, while an assistant director of the Voices in Harmony Chorus. She also served on the music team of VIH as tenor section leader for five years and served on the Board of Directors for Motor City Blend as the Chorus Relations chair for two years. Mary lives in Dexter, Michigan, with her husband, Bill, and daughter Theresa. Welcome to Region 17, Mary!





Raisin Raisin Chorus is happy to announce that Lynne Peirce will become their musical director on January 1st! Lynne is a long-time member of Region 17 has previously been the front-line director of Voices in Harmony and, most recently, Battle Creek Choruses. She currently serves Region 17 as our Education Coordinator and sung and competed in several quartets, most recently singing bass in Surefire, a past Region 17 Champion Quartet.

Congratulations to both Mary and Lynne and to their new choruses, Battle Creek and River Raisin!


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Our Region

SAI Region 17, contains parts of Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania. We currently have over 700 members in 22 choruses and over 30 quartets.
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